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Resizing an image with Deno

Build a Simple Image Resizing API in less than 100 LOC

In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple image resizing API using ImageMagick and deploy it on Deno Deploy. The API will resize images by stretching or cropping them, although you can add more functionality later.

Follow the video tutorial for building an image resizing API.

Follow the video tutorial here.

View the source, try the demo, or check out the playground.


We’ll use ImageMagick for all of the image manipulation in our API. It’s one of the most popular libraries for manipulating images, including resizing, format conversion, compression, and effect application. More specifically, we’ll use imagemagick_deno, which is ImageMagick compiled to WebAssembly and compatible with Deno and Deno Deploy.

Setting Up The Server

First, create a directory for your project. Then, create a new TypeScript file in that folder named main.ts.

In main.ts, let’s create a basic web server using std lib’s http module.

import { serve } from "";

  async (req: Request) => {
    return new Response("Hello World!");

Now, you can run this script by opening a terminal in this directory and running:

deno run --allow-net main.ts

Now, navigate to localhost:8000. You should see Hello World!.

Manipulating Images

The next step is to add image manipulation. In main.ts, let’s import a few things from imagemagick_deno:

import {
} from "";

Then, let’s initialize ImageMagick, which sets the necessary configuration for the binary and for its API to work.

await initializeImageMagick();

Next, we’ll confirm the necessary parameters exist and make sense, or we’ll return a 400 (Bad Request) error code. We can access the querystring params with the searchParams function.

Let’s create a new function parseParams, which will:

  • check for necessary params image, height, and width
  • make sure that height and width are greater than 0 and less than 2048
  • return a string on error
function parseParams(reqUrl: URL) {
  const image = reqUrl.searchParams.get("image");
  if (image == null) {
    return "Missing 'image' query parameter.";
  const height = Number(reqUrl.searchParams.get("height")) || 0;
  const width = Number(reqUrl.searchParams.get("width")) || 0;
  if (height === 0 && width === 0) {
    return "Missing non-zero 'height' or 'width' query parameter.";
  if (height < 0 || width < 0) {
    return "Negative height or width is not supported.";
  const maxDimension = 2048;
  if (height > maxDimension || width > maxDimension) {
    return `Width and height cannot exceed ${maxDimension}.`;
  return {

In our serve() function, we can access the querystring params and call parseParams:

// ...

  async (req) => {
    const reqURL = new URL(req.url);
    const params = parseParams(reqURL);
    if (typeof params === "string") {
      return new Response(params, { status: 400 });

Now that we have ensured that the necessary parameters exist, let’s get the image. Let’s create a new function getRemoteImage, which will fetch the image by URL, check that the mediaType is correct, and return a buffer and mediaType (or an error message). Note, we will need to import parseMediaType at the top of the file.

import { parseMediaType } from "";

async function getRemoteImage(image: string) {
  const sourceRes = await fetch(image);
  if (!sourceRes.ok) {
    return "Error retrieving image from URL.";
  const mediaType = parseMediaType(sourceRes.headers.get("Content-Type")!)[0];
  if (mediaType.split("/")[0] !== "image") {
    return "URL is not image type.";
  return {
    buffer: new Uint8Array(await sourceRes.arrayBuffer()),

Then, in our serve() function, after parseParams we can call getRemoteImage and handle any errors:

// ...

  async (req) => {
    const reqURL = new URL(req.url);
    const params = parseParams(reqURL);
    if (typeof params === "string") {
      return new Response(params, { status: 400 });
    const remoteImage = await getRemoteImage(params.image);
    if (remoteImage === "string") {
      return new Response(remoteImage, { status: 400 });

Next, we can finally modify the image with ImageMagick. Let’s create a new function called modifyImage, which will accept imageBuffer and the params object.

In this function, we’ll use the MagickGeometry constructor to set the parameters for the resizing. Additionally, to allow for adaptable resizing, if either height or width is missing, we’ll set ignoreAspectRatio to false.

Finally, this function will return a Promise that will resolve to the transformed image as a Uint8Array buffer:

function modifyImage(
  imageBuffer: Uint8Array,
  params: { width: number; height: number; mode: string },
) {
  const sizingData = new MagickGeometry(
  sizingData.ignoreAspectRatio = params.height > 0 && params.width > 0;
  return new Promise<Uint8Array>((resolve) => {, (image) => {
      image.write((data) => resolve(data));

In serve(), after we call getRemoteImage, let’s add a call to modifyImage. Then, we can return a new Response, which contains the modifiedImage:

// ...

  async (req: Request) => {
    const reqURL = new URL(req.url);
    const params = parseParams(reqURL);
    if (typeof params === "string") {
      return new Response(params, { status: 400 });
    const remoteImage = await getRemoteImage(params.image);
    if (remoteImage === "string") {
      return new Response(remoteImage, { status: 400 });
    const modifiedImage = await modifyImage(remoteImage.buffer, params);
    return new Response(modifiedImage, {
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": remoteImage.mediaType,

Congratulations! You have created an API for resizing images.

Next, let’s add more flexibility in the API and allow cropping.

Cropping Images

Standard resizing works in most cases, but there are some cases where you might want to crop images instead. Cropping will allow you to avoid squishing the image if you change the aspect ratio and remove unnecessary areas in the image.

In the parseParams function, let’s check for accepted modes (“crop” and “resize”), as well as add mode to the return object:

function parseParams(reqUrl: URL) {
  const image = reqUrl.searchParams.get("image");
  if (image == null) {
    return "Missing 'image' query parameter.";
  const height = Number(reqUrl.searchParams.get("height")) || 0;
  const width = Number(reqUrl.searchParams.get("width")) || 0;
  if (height === 0 && width === 0) {
    return "Missing non-zero 'height' or 'width' query parameter.";
  if (height < 0 || width < 0) {
    return "Negative height or width is not supported.";
  const maxDimension = 2048;
  if (height > maxDimension || width > maxDimension) {
    return `Width and height cannot exceed ${maxDimension}.`;
  const mode = reqUrl.searchParams.get("mode") || "resize";
  if (mode !== "resize" && mode !== "crop") {
    return "Mode not accepted: please use 'resize' or 'crop'.";
  return {

Then, in the modifyImage function, if the mode is crop, we’ll use image.crop():

function modifyImage(
  imageBuffer: Uint8Array,
  params: { width: number; height: number; mode: "resize" | "crop" },
) {
  const sizingData = new MagickGeometry(
  sizingData.ignoreAspectRatio = params.height > 0 && params.width > 0;
  return new Promise<Uint8Array>((resolve) => {, (image) => {
      if (params.mode === "resize") {
      } else {
      image.write((data) => resolve(data));

That is it! Now, if you want to try your API, just run deno run --allow-net main.ts, as we did before, and access it using a URL containing the width, height, image URL, and mode. For example, the URL localhost:8000/?image= should give you something like this:

Squished resized image example

You have a working image resizer!

Deploying to Deno Deploy

You can host your app at the edge with Deno Deploy, our multi-tenant JavaScript serverless cloud.

First, create a GitHub repo containing main.ts. Yes, it can be a one file repo. Then, go to and connect your GitHub account. Create a new project from GitHub, and select the repo you just created. Select “GitHub Automatic”, which will deploy every time there’s a merge onto your main branch. Finally, your entrypoint should be main.ts.

Once you’ve connected, it should take up to a minute to deploy. Once it’s live, you can visit your URL.

What’s next?

Building an image resizing API with Deno and ImageMagick is not only simple and fast, but can be done within 100 lines of code. Not only that, but you can host this API globally at the edge, to minimize latency for your API’s consumers. You can extend this with more functionality like adding text or saving it into a storage service.

Got stuck or want to share what you’re working on? Come say hi on Discord or Twitter!