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Since Deno 2, we recommend npm specifiers over

If you're not using npm specifiers, you're doing it wrong

During the early days of Deno, we recommended importing npm packages via HTTP with transpile services such as and However, there are limitations to importing npm packages this way, such as lack of install hooks, duplicate dependency resolution issues, loading data files, etc. That’s why after native npm support was added with the release of Deno 2, we recommend using npm: specifiers directly.

// ❌
import React from "";

// âś…
import React from "npm:react@19";

In this blog post, we’ll cover the limitations from using npm via these transpile services, as well as all the benefits to natively importing npm packages:

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Deno offers backwards compatibilty with Node/npm, built-in package management, all-in-one zero-config toolchain, native TypeScript support, and more.

Limitations of hosted transpile services

Duplicate dependency issues

When you import and, the latter dependency might import a duplicate react version:

import react from "";
import reactDom from ""; // <-- no guarantee that this is the same react version

And while there are some ways to manage this via special URL flags, they can be tedious and fiddly. Importing from lacks semantic versioning, making it hard to dedup dependencies.

Conversely, importing from npm natively via npm: specifiers allows Deno to understand semantic versions of your dependencies. This is just like using npm with Node and will work as expected. This means smaller module graph and smaller number of loaded modules.

No install hooks and native add-ons

Some npm packages require native add-ons to be compiled at install time. When importing natively with npm, install hooks will run an install script that calls node-gyp to build the add-on.

Unfortunately, there are no install hooks when importing npm packages via HTTP, so some of these npm packages that require a separate install step can not be fully installed.

Deno’s native npm support allows install hooks to run with the --allow-scripts flag:

deno install --allow-scripts=npm:duckdb

No data files

Certain npm packages ship with non-JavaScript files, such as text files, csv, json, etc., which it will load at runtime. However, these transpile services are unable to serve a compatible version, which results in unusual errors and an overall subpar developer experience.

Importing npm packages natively in Deno is the same as importing in Node — data files are downloaded and can be accessed from the module at runtime, which is the expected behavior.

Benefits of natively importing npm packages

No node_modules

Programming is a battle against complexity. Any superfluous code, config, folders, processes, etc. can divert focus and mindshare from critical business logic. This is why Deno is zero config (with sane defaults) and has a complete built-in toolchain so you can dive right into writing code.

You can use npm: specifiers with Deno to install npm packages without needing to create a node_modules folder in your directory. This is beacuse Deno will then install your npm package to your global cache:

No node_modules folder

You can even use npm: specifiers in your deno.json :

No node_modules folder

Note that if you have a package.json present, Deno will automatically default to creating a node_modules folder, as many npm packages expect and require it. However, you can control whether a node_modules is created with the nodeModulesDir attribute in your deno.json .

No package.json

Sometimes you want to write a simple JavaScript or TypeScript program, and run it and share it without extra code or steps.

In Node, package.json is the dependency manifest, and is necessary to accompany your program if you have any dependencies. If you were to share your program with someone else, they would need the package.json, as well as use an extra step to install these dependencies, before they can run your program.

In Deno, you can inline npm: specifiers in your import statement (as well as package versions) so you don’t need package.json at all. You can share your code by sharing your JS or TS file. If someone else runs it with Deno, Deno will automatically download the correct dependencies, and your program will run the same way as it did on your machine. Fewer files, steps, and frustrations.

In fact, treating single file scripts without dependency manifests as “immutable scripts” can lead to creating ecosystems of composable programs. example with immutable scripts uses Deno’s optional dependency manifest to create immutable scripts, a foundational building block for their user-generated workflows.

Of course, you can always use package.json in cases where your dependencies might require one.

Importing npm and jsr packages is recommended in any Deno program — CLI, servers, libraries, etc. — even in other contexts where Deno is used, such as Jupyter notebooks and REPL. Let’s take a look at that next.

Jupyter notebooks and REPL

Deno’s jupyter support is great for exploring datasets in JavaScript/TypeScript, or even to use as a REPL (though you can use deno repl as well — more below).

You can use npm: directly in Jupyter notebooks so you can import key npm modules for data exploration, analysis, and even charting. Here’s an example of using npm:polars in Jupyter notebooks:

Jupyter notebooks with Deno

Working with data sets in JavaScript and TypeScript not only has many data libraries that is available in Python, but also allows you to easily render your analysis to HTML. Here’s an example using npm:@observablehq/plot:

Rendering HTML chart with JavaScript in Deno

Rendering an HTML chart with JavaScript via npm:@observablehq/plot and jsr:@ry/jupyter-helper.

Interested in using JS/TS to explore datasets in Deno jupyter? Here are some awesome libraries (and their Python counterparts) to help get you started:

Python JS/TS
polars npm:polars
ipyaggrid npm:ag-grid-community
ipychart npm:@observablehq/plot
bqplot npm:@observablehq/plot
anywidget jsr:@anywidget

You can also use npm: in your deno repl:

Importing npm packages in Deno repl

Note that just like any other Deno program, both Jupyter notebooks and REPL make use of your global cache for dependencies. That not only means less vendor clutter in your directories, but also faster execution once your dependencies are cached.

Improved security

In Node, when you import an npm module, that module has unfettered access to everything. And due to the hyper composability of npm modules, there have been dozens of reported security vulnerabilities from malicious npm modules that have stolen user data from forms, performed shell injection attacks, installed malware onto your machine, and more.

Deno, designed with security in mind from the outset, uses an opt-in-permissions model that will alert you when any of your dependencies are requesting access to anything sensitive. For instance, npm:chalk requires access to several environment variables:

On top of having an additional security layer with Deno’s permission system, Deno also requires you to opt into allowing pre- and post- install scripts during the npm install process. While certain npm packages require these lifecycle install scripts to run properly, they also have full access to your systems. This means essentially allowing the package author to run any scripts on your machine, CI environment, etc., which is dangerous if you don’t recognize what packages are being installed.

In Deno, if you install an npm package that requires a lifecycle install script to execute, you’ll be prompted with the following warning message:

Permission prompt for lifecycle install scripts during npm install

To enable install scripts, you can use the --allow-scripts flag. Note that this flag can also accept parameters for specific package names, giving you not only more visibility, but also more granular control.

Private npm registries

Many large organizations host their own private npm registries to manage internal packages. Deno supports this in the same way Node does — with an .npmrc file to configure Deno to fetch packages from this private registry:

// .npmrc
// deno.json
  "imports": {
    "@mycompany/package": "npm:@mycompany/package@1.0.0"
// main.ts
import { hello } from "@mycompany/package";

$ deno run main.ts
Hello world!

You can also use private npm packages in your package.json file:

// package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "@mycompany/package": "1.0.0"
// main.ts
import { hello } from "@mycompany/package";

$ deno run main.ts
Hello world!

What’s next

While Deno will always offer HTTP imports due to its web native protocol, we recommend defaulting to using npm: or jsr: specifiers for Deno 2 and above.

To learn more about what npm packages and frameworks you can use with Deno 2, check out our tutorials: