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TypeScript in Node vs. Deno

Node just added TypeScript support. What does that mean for Deno?

Node.js recently added native TypeScript support in version 22.6 (stabilized in 23.6), a welcome enhancement simplifying setups for TypeScript users. This has sparked questions within the community about how Node’s new capabilities compare with Deno’s existing TypeScript integration.

In this post, we’ll explore Node’s TypeScript support and offer a clear comparison with Deno’s approach.

TypeScript in Node

TypeScript adds types to JavaScript, helping structure your code as projects grow. It primarily handles two tasks:

  1. Type checking: Ensuring your variables match declared types.
  2. Type stripping: Transpiling TypeScript into plain JavaScript, executable by browsers and runtimes.

Node 22.6.0 introduced built-in TypeScript support, allowing automatic type stripping via the --experimental-strip-types flag. This feature was stabilized in Node 23.6, enabling direct execution (node foo.ts) without extra flags.

Node’s TypeScript support replaces type annotations with whitespace, resulting in valid JavaScript:

// TypeScript
function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;
sum(5, 10);

// After type stripping
function sum(a        , b        )         {
  return a + b;
sum(5, 10);

This essentially integrates functionality previously provided by ts-node directly into Node, simplifying TypeScript execution.

However, there are some limitations:

  • No built-in type checking: External tools like tsc are still required.
  • No JSX or TSX support: Node handles .ts, .mts, and .cts, but React (.tsx) and JSX projects still require external transpilers or bundlers such as esbuild, Babel, or tsc.
  • Manual management of tsconfig.json: Type checking still relies on external configuration via tsconfig.json.

That’s the overview of TypeScript in Node—let’s look at how Deno handles these aspects.

TypeScript in Deno

Deno simplifies web programming by providing a single executable with a fully integrated TypeScript toolchain. This approach offers TypeScript’s benefits with minimal configuration, streamlining testing, formatting, and compilation workflows.

Deno’s TypeScript integration comprises three main parts:

  1. Execution: Google’s V8 engine, which executes JavaScript but not TypeScript directly.
  2. Type checking: Microsoft’s TypeScript compiler (implemented in JavaScript) is internally bundled.
  3. Type stripping: SWC, a high-performance parser built in Rust by Kang Dong Yoon (강동윤), efficiently strips types without running JavaScript.

What about tsconfig.json?

Deno emphasizes zero-config development to avoid config overload. It provides sensible defaults (details here) suitable for most scenarios. If custom options are needed, you can easily use compilerOptions in deno.json or specify your own tsconfig.json:

deno -c tsconfig.json main.ts

Type checking in CI with deno check

Running deno check quickly identifies type errors, working locally or remotely:

deno check                 # Check local files
deno check main.ts         # Single file check
deno check jsr:@std/http/file-server # Remote module
deno check --all           # Including npm packages
deno check --doc           # Docs and code
deno check --doc-only      # Documentation only

Type-aware tooltips, errors, and more with LSP

When using Deno’s language server (LSP), especially with editors like VSCode, you get immediate type-aware feedback and linting.

Type checking in VSCode from a JSR dependency

Real-time type checking of a JSR dependency in VSCode. No config needed.

Hover tooltip displaying documentation

Hover tooltip showing documentation.

TypeScript in deno repl and deno jupyter

You can run TypeScript directly within Deno’s REPL or Jupyter Notebooks:

$ deno
Deno 2.2.2
exit using ctrl+d, ctrl+c, or close()
REPL is running with all permissions allowed.
> const sum = function(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b };
> sum(5, 10)

(Note: REPL treats types as comments; no live checking.)

Distributing TypeScript without transpilation

Deno supports distributing TypeScript modules directly, removing the need for transpilation steps and separate .d.ts files.

The JSR registry leverages this, facilitating seamless TypeScript distribution without losing clarity or readability:

import { encodeBase64 } from "jsr:@std/encoding@1";

With JSR, debugging remains clear and straightforward—stack traces and source navigation link directly to original TypeScript code.

TypeScript and npm

Deno imports npm modules via package.json or npm: specifiers, providing full type checking support through .d.ts files. For packages without types, use the @ts-types pragma:

// @ts-types="npm:@types/express"
import express from "npm:express";

TypeScript support across Deno’s toolchain

Deno integrates TypeScript extensively throughout its tooling:

  • deno fmt: formats TypeScript.
  • deno compile: compiles TypeScript to executables.
  • deno doc: generates documentation directly from TypeScript.
  • deno lint: built-in TypeScript linting rules.

Additionally, .tsx and .jsx support makes React or Preact seamless.

What’s next?

TypeScript continues growing as the preferred language for maintainable JavaScript. Deno remains committed to simplifying TypeScript workflows by reducing boilerplate and configurations.

We’ll keep enhancing Deno’s TypeScript integration so you can focus more on building great software and less on setup.

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