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Deno is now a package manager with new subcommands add, remove, install, and more.

Introducing your new JavaScript package manager: Deno

With Deno 2, we’ve introduced several subcommands to simplify dependency management: deno add, deno remove, and deno install. These commands will feel familiar to Node users, but offer greater flexibility, allowing you to import npm and JSR packages seamlessly — even within Node projects.

In this post, we’ll cover how to manage packages with Deno’s tooling, whether you’re working with npm, JSR, or projects that have a package.json. We’ll also look at how its performance stacks up against other package managers:

🚨️ Deno 2 is here. 🚨️

With backwards compatibility with Node/npm, built-in package management, all-in-one zero-config toolchain, and native TypeScript and web API support, writing JavaScript has never been simpler.

New subcommands

deno add

Use deno add to add dependencies directly to your deno.json or package.json file:

deno add jsr:@std/path npm:chalk

If no config files exist, Deno will create a deno.json with an import map:

  "imports": {
    "@std/path": "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.8",
    "chalk": "npm:chalk@^5.3.0"

In projects with a package.json, npm modules will be added there instead. The command above would add "chalk": "^5.3.0" to package.json while deno.json holds JSR dependencies.

deno remove

deno remove deletes dependencies from deno.json and package.json. deno uninstall is an alias for this command. Here’s an example:

deno remove jsr:@std/path npm:chalk

For removing globally installed binaries, you can use --global:

deno remove --global file-server
# ➜ deleted /Users/deno/.deno/bin/file-server

deno install

Like npm install, deno install installs all dependencies listed in deno.json or package.json. If a package.json is present, npm dependencies will be installed in node_modules. Otherwise, Deno installs packages in the global cache.

deno install
Note: Deno uses hard links (like pnpm) to optimize space and speed. See the performance section for benchmarks.

Caching Dependencies

For projects with jsr:, npm:, http:, and/or https: dependencies, you can pre-cache these using the --entrypoint flag:

deno install --entrypoint main.ts

This is especially useful for production deployments, like when building a Docker container, to minimize cold start times.

Postinstall Scripts

Unlike npm, Deno doesn’t automatically run postinstall scripts. In npm, these scripts can execute untrusted code from third-party packages—posing significant security risks by allowing arbitrary code to run with full access to your system. Deno’s approach avoids this by requiring you to explicitly allow scripts.

To permit specific packages to run their postinstall scripts, use the --allow-scripts flag:

deno install --allow-scripts=npm:sqlite3

This command lets npm:sqlite3 run its postinstall script while blocking others. This setup gives you more control over which scripts, if any, can execute, protecting your system from potentially harmful or untrusted code.

Learn more about how Deno is secure-by-default with its opt-in permission system.

Package Management with Node and npm

Since Deno recognizes package.json, these subcommands work as you’d expect in a Node project. For example:

/tmp# deno -A npm:create-vite
✔ Project name: … vite-project
✔ Select a framework: › Vanilla
✔ Select a variant: › TypeScript

Scaffolding project in /private/tmp/vite-project...

Done. Now run:

  cd vite-project
  deno install
  deno run dev

/tmp# cd vite-project/
/tmp/vite-project# deno install

This compatibility means you can use Deno with a variety of JavaScript frameworks from Node and npm. Learn more about building a React app with Vite, a Next.js app with create-next-app, an Astro app, and more.


Deno uses a global cache with hard links, like pnpm, to improve speed and reduce storage usage across projects. Hard links (on Linux) and clonefile (on macOS) point to the same place on the disk as the original files, so they avoid redundant copies, while appearing in multiple locations. This means that if dependency foo occupies 1MB of space, it will appear as 1MB in both node_modules and the global store, but in reality that 1MB is only stored once. This design minimizes disk usage and speeds up installations, particularly in monorepos or projects with shared dependencies.

Here’s a comparison of installation speeds in cached and uncached settings:

Benchmark of package installation times across various package managers

For more detail into this benchmark, please refer to this GitHub repo.

What’s Next

These new subcommands make managing dependencies faster, familiar, and versatile in both Deno and Node projects. Look out for additional features, including deno update and deno outdated, in the next release.

$ deno outdated
Package       |  Current |   Update |  Latest
jsr:@std/http |   ^1.0.0 |    1.0.7 |   1.0.7 
npm:react     |   17.0.2 |   17.0.2 |  18.3.1
npm:vite      |    4.5.5 |    4.5.5 |   5.4.8

$ deno outdated react
Package       |  Current |   Update |  Latest
npm:react     |   17.0.2 |   17.0.2 |  18.3.1

🚨️ Want to learn more Deno? 🚨️

Check out our new Learn Deno tutorial series, where you’ll learn:

…and more, in short, bite-sized videos. New tutorials published every Tuesday and Thursday.