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Deno 2.1

Deno 2.1: Wasm Imports and other enhancements

Deno continues to simplify programming with the first 2.x minor release, most notably allowing for direct Wasm imports. 2.1 includes support for asset files in deno compile, stack traces in permission prompts, improved deno task, and more. This release also kicks off our first Long Term Support branch, and much more.

To upgrade to Deno 2.1, run the following in your terminal:

deno upgrade

If Deno is not yet installed, run one of the following commands to install or learn how to install it here.

# Using Shell (macOS and Linux):
curl -fsSL | sh

# Using PowerShell (Windows):
iwr -useb | iex

What’s New in Deno 2.1

The Deno team will also be hosting a livestream to demo and discuss 2.1 on December 3rd, 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UTC, as well as to answer any of your questions.

First-class Wasm support

Wasm, or WebAssembly, is a binary compilation target that allows you to write code in other languages and compile it for the browser.

While Deno has always had Wasm support, Deno v2.1 makes it significantly simpler, more ergonomic, and more performant to import Wasm modules.

Previously, you would have to load a Wasm module manually, which required specifying --allow-read or --allow-net permissions:

// previously
const wasmInstance = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("./add.wasm"));
const { add } = wasmInstance;

console.log(add(1, 2));
// $ deno --allow-read main.ts
// 3
// Now in Deno 2.1
import { add } from "./add.wasm";

console.log(add(1, 2));
// $ deno main.ts
// 3

Wasm modules are now part of the “module graph”, which Deno can analyze and cache for faster use.

Deno also understands exporting Wasm modules and will type check their use.

Let’s say we tried to call the add function from the previous example incorrectly:

import { add } from "./add.wasm";

console.log(add(1, ""));
$ deno check main.ts
Check file:///main.ts
error: TS2345 [ERROR]: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
console.log(add(1, ""));
    at file:///main.ts:3:20

Wasm modules can also import other modules. Let’s create a Wasm module (using WebAssembly text format):

  (import "./time.ts" "getTimeInSeconds" (func $get_time (result i32)))
  (func (export "getValue") (result i32)
    call $get_time
// time.ts
export function getTimeInSeconds() {
  return / 1000;
// main.ts
import { getValue } from "./toolkit.wasm";


Now let’s run it:

> wat2wasm toolkit.wat
> deno main.ts

> deno main.ts

Read more at Deno Docs to learn how you can leverage Wasm modules.

Long Term Support release

Deno gets a new minor release every six weeks and a new patch release almost every week. However, development teams in larger organizations need to carefully audit new releases before using them in production. Having such a fast paced release cadence makes it challenging for these teams to keep up with the latest Deno release.

To make it easier for these teams to use Deno, Deno v2.1 is the first LTS release of Deno. The v2.1 branch will receive important bug fixes and performance improvements for the next six months.

Schedule for Deno v2.x releases

Schedule for Deno v2.x releases

deno init --npm vite

Using npm init (or npm create) is a popular way to scaffold a new project for many frameworks based on existing templates.

Before Deno v2.1, this was a bit involved and required intricate knowledge about how that program works. In this release, we’ve simplified this command: deno init gets a new --npm flag to start a new project like you would using npm, pnpm and other popular package managers:

# Previously
$ deno run -A npm:create-vite
# Now in Deno v2.1
$ deno init --npm vite

When you run this subcommand, Deno will prompt you if you want to run the project initialization script with all permissions.

Dependency management

There are a ton of improvements to Deno’s dependency management in this release, but the most important bit is that you can now manage JSR and npm dependency updates with the new deno outdated subcommand:

$ deno outdated
│ Package        │ Current │ Update │ Latest │
│ jsr:@std/fmt   │ 1.0.0   │ 1.0.3  │ 1.0.3  │
│ jsr:@std/async │ 1.0.1   │ 1.0.1  │ 1.0.8  │
│ npm:chalk      │ 4.1.2   │ 4.1.2  │ 5.3.0  │

This command also supports flags like --update and --latest:

$ deno outdated --update --latest
Updated 3 dependencies:
 - jsr:@std/async 1.0.1 -> 1.0.8
 - jsr:@std/fmt   1.0.0 -> 1.0.3
 - npm:chalk      4.1.2 -> 5.3.0

The command deno outdated allows you to see which dependencies in your project have newer versions available. Note this command understands both deno.json and package.json, and modifies both these files at the same time.

By default, it respects semver ranges specified in the configuration file(s), but you can force it to update to the latest available version (even if it might not be semver compatible) with the --latest flag.

You can also filter packages you’d like to check:

$ deno outdated "@std/*"
│ Package        │ Current │ Update │ Latest │
│ jsr:@std/fmt   │ 1.0.0   │ 1.0.3  │ 1.0.3  │
│ jsr:@std/async │ 1.0.1   │ 1.0.1  │ 1.0.8  │

$ deno outdated "!@std/fmt"
│ Package        │ Current │ Update │ Latest │
│ jsr:@std/async │ 1.0.1   │ 1.0.1  │ 1.0.8  │
│ npm:chalk      │ 4.1.2   │ 4.1.2  │ 5.3.0  │

Or update to a specific version:

$ deno outdated --update chalk@5.2 @std/async@1.0.6
Updated 2 dependencies:
 - jsr:@std/async 1.0.1 -> 1.0.6
 - npm:chalk      4.1.2 -> 5.2.0

deno outdated works in workspaces too - use --recursive flag:

$ deno outdated --recursive --update --latest

Interactive updates are on the roadmap and planned for upcoming releases.

Read more about keeping your dependencies up to date or about Deno’s package management capabilities in general.

Embed assets files in deno compile

Since v1.6, deno compile has allowed you to compile your project into a single binary executable for any major platform, making it easier to distribute and execute without needing to install Deno or dependencies.

One of the most requested features for deno compile was ability to embed arbitrary files that can be read by the compiled program. Thanks to a major overhaul of the internal infrastructure of deno compile, this is now possible.

You can now use the --include flag to tell Deno to include additional files or directories:

$ deno compile --include ./names.csv --include ./data/ main.ts

Then in your program you can read them the same way if you were developing locally:

// main.ts

import { parse } from "jsr:@std/csv/parse";
const names = Deno.readTextFile(import.meta.dirname + "/names.csv");
const csvData = parse(names);

const dataFiles = Deno.readDir(import.meta.dirname + "/data");
for (const file of dataFiles) {
  // something with each file

Keep in mind that you can only include local files. Remote files are not supported.

Additionally, programs created with deno compile can now leverage V8 code caching for faster startups. The cache is created on first run and placed in a temporary directory, to be used on subsequent runs.

Our benchmarks show over 2x improvement for subsequent runs, but your mileage may vary:

$ hyperfine --warmup 2 scratch.exe scratch_new.exe
Benchmark 1: scratch.exe
  Time (mean ± σ):     282.9 ms ±   6.5 ms    [User: 78.1 ms, System: 15.6 ms]
  Range (min … max):   276.5 ms … 295.2 ms    10 runs

Benchmark 2: scratch_new.exe
  Time (mean ± σ):     129.7 ms ±   6.8 ms    [User: 17.1 ms, System: 9.7 ms]
  Range (min … max):   120.9 ms … 138.4 ms    21 runs

  scratch_new.exe ran
    2.18 ± 0.13 times faster than scratch.exe

Learn more about all the various use cases of deno compile, including creating desktop games from JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Stack traces in permission prompts

Deno’s permission system is one of its most loved features. Using interactive permission prompts is a useful way to understand which permissions are needed for a program to function properly. One shortcoming of these prompts was that they only showed what permission is needed by which API, but you couldn’t see where exactly is that permission requested.

Deno v2.1 solves this shortcoming:

Demo of stack trace in permission prompt

Demo of stack trace in permission prompt.

Running any program with DENO_TRACE_PERMISSIONS environmetal variable will enable collection of stack trace when a permission is requested, allowing you to easily pinpoint which part of the program needs a certain permission.

Keep in mind that this functionality is expensive and results in a significant performance hit — collecting a stack trace every time permissions might be requested is slow and shouldn’t be used in production.

Turbocharged deno task

This release brings major improvements to deno task.

Firstly, you can now write your tasks as objects and give them informative descriptions:

  "tasks": {
    "build": "deno run -RW build.ts",
    "serve": {
      "description": "Start the dev server",
      "command": "deno run -RN server.ts"
$ deno task
Available tasks:
- build
    deno run -RW build.ts
- serve
    // Start the dev server
    deno run -RN server.ts

The "description" option was added in favor of (now removed) handling of comments in deno.jsonc files.

Task dependencies

Deno tasks can now have dependencies:

  "tasks": {
    "build": "deno run -RW build.ts",
    "generate": "deno run -RW generate.ts",
    "serve": {
      "command": "deno run -RN server.ts",
      "dependencies": ["build", "generate"]

In the above example, running deno task serve will first execute build and generate tasks in parallel, and once both of them finish successfully the serve task will be executed:

$ deno task serve
Task build deno run -RW build.ts
Task generate deno run -RW generate.ts
Generating data...
Starting the build...
Build finished
Data generated
Task serve deno run -RN server.ts
Listening on http://localhost:8000/

deno task handles cycles in dependencies and will ensure that you won’t end up in an infinite loop:

  "tasks": {
    "a": {
      "command": "deno run a.js",
      "dependencies": ["b"]
    "b": {
      "command": "deno run b.js",
      "dependencies": ["a"]
$ deno task a
Task cycle detected: a -> b -> a

“Diamond dependencies” (where two dependencies share a common dependency) are understood correctly and deno task will ensure that tasks that are dependent upon by multiple other tasks are only executed once:

  //   a
  //  / \
  // b   c
  //  \ /
  //   d
  "tasks": {
    "a": {
      "command": "deno run a.js",
      "dependencies": ["b", "c"]
    "b": {
      "command": "deno run b.js",
      "dependencies": ["d"]
    "c": {
      "command": "deno run c.js",
      "dependencies": ["d"]
    "d": "deno run d.js"
$ deno task a
Task d deno run d.js
Running d
Task c deno run c.js
Running c
Task b deno run b.js
Running b
Task a deno run a.js
Running a

Cross-package dependencies in tasks are currently not supported, but planned for the future.

Workspace support

With addition of --filter and --recursive flags you can now use deno task to run tasks from all, or some members of your workspace:

// deno.json
  "workspace": [

// client/deno.json
  "tasks": {
    "dev": "deno run -RN build.ts"

// server/deno.json
  "tasks": {
    "dev": "deno run -RN server.ts"
$ deno task --recursive dev
Task dev deno run -RN build.ts
Task dev deno run -RN server.ts
Bundling project...
Listening on http://localhost:8000/
Project bundled
$ deno task --filter "client/" dev
Task dev deno run -RN build.ts
Bundling project...
Project bundled

Please note that the workspace support is in early stages and there might be situations where deno task behavior is not what you expect. We’d appreciate opening a bug report in such cases.

deno task --eval

deno task is powered by a bespoke cross-platform shell implementation, giving you access to common commands like cat, echo, sleep and more that work on all platforms.

You can now leverage this shell directly, by evaluating tasks explicitly, without specifying them in deno.json file:

$ deno task --eval "echo $(pwd)"
Task echo $(pwd)

Running deno task --eval "<task>" is equivalent to npm exec -c or pnpm exec

Feature such as workspace topology sorting, caching based on input/output files and wildcard support are on the roadmap.

Read more at Deno Docs to learn about all the new features of deno task.

Node.js and npm compatibility improvements

Better CommonJS support

Deno v2.0 brought major improvements to CommonJs support, making it much easier to consume existing projects with Deno. While the situation got much better, our users provided a lot of feedback stating that it’s still not that easy to run these projects. Deno v2.1 addresses these needs by bringing better CJS support to enable older projects to run under Deno.

Node.js treats .js as CommonJS by default, unless the closest package.json specifies "type": "esm". Deno has always treated all files as ESM and will continue to do so, but to make it easier to run or for migrating existing codebases, Deno will now look for the closest package.json file and treat files as CommonJS if they specify their type:

+ "type": "commonjs",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4"
// main.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Hello World!");

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
# Deno v2.0
$ deno run -REN main.js
error: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: require is not defined
const express = require("express");
    at file:///main.js:1:17

    info: Deno supports CommonJS modules in .cjs files, or when there's a package.json
          with "type": "commonjs" option and --unstable-detect-cjs flag is used.
    hint: Rewrite this module to ESM,
          or change the file extension to .cjs.
# Deno v2.1
$ deno run -REN main.js
Example app listening on port 3000

If you are trying to run a project that uses CommonJS, but doesn’t have the "type": "commonjs" option specified in package.json, Deno will provide a useful hint how to solve the problem:

$ deno run -REN main.js
error: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: require is not defined
const express = require("express");
    at file:///main.js:1:17

    info: Deno supports CommonJS modules in .cjs files, or when the closest
          package.json has a "type": "commonjs" option.
    hint: Rewrite this module to ESM,
          or change the file extension to .cjs,
          or add package.json next to the file with "type": "commonjs" option.

Finally, we improved the static analysis of CommonJS modules, which means you no longer need --allow-read permissions to execute CJS modules in many cases.

Improved support for Node.js globals

Deno provides all Node.js globals like Buffer, global, setImmediate and more, to all npm packages. Similarly to the CommonJS support, not having these globals available by default might pose challenges and hurdles when trying to run or migrate and existing project to Deno.

// main.js
# Deno v2.0
$ deno main.js
error: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: global is not defined
    at file:///Users/ib/dev/scratch_express/main.js:1:13

    info: global is not available in the global scope in Deno.
    hint: Use globalThis instead, or assign = globalThis.

In Deno v2.1, a new --unstable-node-globals flag was added that adds following global variables:

  • Buffer
  • global
  • setImmediate
  • clearImmediate
# Deno v2.1
$ deno main.js
error: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: global is not defined
    at file:///main.js:1:13

    info: global is not available in the global scope in Deno.
    hint: Use globalThis instead, or assign = globalThis,
          or run again with --unstable-node-globals flag to add this global.

$ deno --unstable-node-globals main.js

Other compatibility fixes

--allow-env wildcards

You can now specify suffix wildcards in --allow-env (or -E) flag to allow “scoped” access to environmental variables. You often need to provide multiple env vars to your program grouped by a common prefix, eg. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION. Specifying all these variables in your terminal could be cumbersome, so Deno v2.1 makes it easier:

# Deno v2.0
# Deno v2.1
$ deno run --allow-env="AWS_*" main.ts

Now your program can read and write all environmental variables starting with AWS_ prefix.

Formatting and linting improvements

deno fmt is an incredibly useful tool in Deno’s toolchain, and this release it got even more useful with support for .sql files:

-- query.sql
from users WHERE   email = ""
$ deno fmt --unstable-sql
Formatted 1 file

$ cat query.sql
  email = ""

This support is still unstable, so you need to use --unstable-sql flag, or add "fmt-sql" to the unstable option in your deno.json file.

You can opt into ignoring formatting an SQL file by adding an ignore comment at the top of the file:

-- deno-fmt-ignore-file
from users WHERE   email = ""
$ deno fmt --unstable-sql
Checked 1 file

$ cat query.sql
-- deno-fmt-ignore-file
from users WHERE   email = ""

You can now also ignore formatting YAML files by adding # deno-fmt-ignore-file directive at the top of your file:

# deno-fmt-ignore-file
-    Test

Numerous issues related to formatting HTML, CSS, YAML and component files have been fixed in this release, but if you run into any problem we’d appreciate opening a bug report.

Finally, deno fmt and deno lint got smarter and will no longer try to format/lint files that are listed in .gitignore files.

In previous releases you might have run into a situation where Deno formatted or flagged problems in build artifacts produced by popular frameworks. Starting with Deno v2.1 this problem should go away.

Display images in Jupyter notebooks

A new Deno.jupyter.image() API allows you to easily display an image in your notebook:


Deno of `Deno.jupyter.image` API

Deno of `Deno.jupyter.image` API

You can also display an image that you generated or read before:

const data = Deno.readFileSync("./cat.jpg");

The API supports JPEG and PNG images.

Override version in deno publish

You can now use --set-version flag in deno publish to override a package version specified in deno.json file:

  "name": "@deno/otel",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "exports": "./main.ts"
$ deno publish --set-version 0.2.0
Publishing @deno/otel@0.2.0 ...
Successfully published @deno/otel@0.2.0

This flag can only be used when publishing a single package and will not work in a workspace setting.

LSP improvements

The built-in language server that ships with Deno received multiple improvements:

Performance improvements

Several notable performance improvements that made Deno faster again:

Quality of life improvements

V8 13.0

Deno 2.1 ships with the latest V8 13.0.


We couldn’t build Deno without the help of our community! Whether by answering questions in our community Discord server or reporting bugs, we are incredibly grateful for your support. In particular, we’d like to thank the following people for their contributions to Deno 2.1: Benjamin Swerdlow, Bhuwan Pandit, Chris Veness, Cornelius Krassow, Eli Uriegas, HasanAlrimawi, Jeremy Tuloup, João Baptista, Kaveh, Keith Maxwell, Keith Tan, Kenta Moriuchi, Kyle Kelley, LongYinan, Lucas Nogueira, Mayank Kumar, McSneaky, Meir Blachman, Miguel Rodrigues, Mohammad Sulaiman, Nicola Bovolato, Patrick Uftring, Pig Fang, Richard Carson, Ronny Chan, Sahand Akbarzadeh, Scott Twiname, Soc Virnyl S. Estela, Taku Amano, Toby Ealden, Volker Schlecht, Yazan AbdAl-Rahman, familyboat, haturau, jiang1997, reczkok, tsukasa-ino, Łukasz Czerniawski, and 林炳权.

Would you like to join the ranks of Deno contributors? Check out our contribution docs here, and we’ll see you on the list next time.

Believe it or not, the changes listed above still don’t tell you everything that got better in 2.1. You can view the full list of pull requests merged in Deno 2.1 on GitHub here.

Thank you for catching up with our 2.1 release, and we hope you love building with Deno!

Get technical support, share your project, or simply say hi on Twitter, Discord, BlueSky, and Mastodon.

Tune into our 2.1 livestream on December 3rd, 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UTC, where we demo and discuss the biggest changes, and what they mean for you.