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WinterCG is now WinterTC

Goodbye WinterCG, welcome WinterTC

Deno has always been committed to web standards and runtime interoperability. Here at Deno, we believe that the web is the most important development platform in the world - poised to outlive all other development platforms. We believe that the APIs that make up the web are so ubiquitous that they should not be constrained to just the browser. They should be usable by any developer, including server-side developers.

That is why in 2021, Deno joined Ecma International to participate in TC39, and in 2022 co-founded the Web Interoperable Runtimes Community Group (WinterCG) at the W3C to promote runtime interoperability through web standards. Since then WinterCG has been working on standards of it’s own, such as the Minimum Common API. However, as a W3C Community Group, WinterCG was not able to publish this standard.

Today, we are excited to announce that WinterCG is moving to Ecma International, as Ecma International Technical Committee 55 (TC55). This move enables WinterTC (the new name of the group) to publish standards, such as our Minimum Common API.

We are grateful to the W3C for hosting WinterCG and for the support they have provided us in the past year. We are excited to continue our work in the new TC at Ecma International, and look forward to collaborating more with the broader web standards community to bring the benefits of web standards to even more server-side developers.

You can read more about WinterTC at the website.

Read more about this announcement on the W3C blog, in the Ecma International press release, and in the blog post of fellow WinterTC member Igalia.

We would like to expressly thank Daniel Ehrenberg, Aki Rose Braun, and Samina Husain for their help in making this transition possible.